Community Connections

Welcome to the Community Connections page of our BNC website! We believe in the power of community and the strength that comes from connecting with our community as well as others who share our passion for nursing. Here, you will find information on how our group fosters connections among our community at large, which will extend our impact regionally and nationally.

Our Mission:

At the BNC, our mission is to create a supportive and inclusive community where Black nurses can come together to share knowledge, resources and experiences. The Community Connections Committee serves to impact our community by promoting collaboration and networking in our community and beyond.

How We Connect:

Community Outreach: We actively engage in community outreach programs to support local and national initiatives that impact the Black community while also promoting health, wellness and well-being. 

Get Involved Today!

Ready to connect with the BNC? By connecting with the BNC, you will help to continue building meaningful connections, expanding your network, and contributing to the health and well-being of the community. We look forward to welcoming and supporting your community event!

Have an event that you wish the BNC to assist with in your community? Send us an email at and our Community Connections chair will get back with you!